Monday, November 24, 2008

VA List

More for my own reference/idle curiosity...

If this was a cartoon, and I had to cast voices for the characters, this is about what I'd pick.

Ellie: A quiet, reserved voice with a razor wit. Still youthful, but with more maturity than Suna. A Lauren Tom type, if you will.

Erik: Jeff Glenn Bennett. He's a thinking man's voice, for a thinking man like Erik.

Suna: Someone perky. I would say Tara Strong but she's been so overused lately. Hynden Walch?

Oscar: Steve Blum. One of my favorites and I'd be remiss not to have him as a gruff leader type. Yeah, it's typecasting, but he's so GOOD.

Jim: John DiMaggio. Considering that Jim looks pretty much like John in real life...

Keith: Maurice LaMarche.

Ed: Crispin Freeman. Normally I don't care for him, but I imagine Ed as having a Togusa-esque voice.

Snappy: Brad Delp. But he's dead. :( Someone generally light and humorous. Billy West, Rob Paulsen.

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