Saturday, November 1, 2008

People of note at Genesis

Structure goes like this:


President/CEO/Editor in Chief: Oscar Spencer

CFO: Adrian McDuff

Executive Producers:
Jack Abrahms (editorial)
Jennifer Deckard (sports)
Bob Vansen (Interplanetary)
Ted Hatchet (Starnet division)
Gordon Reng (Business)


On-Screen, In Office:
Ira Edison (Prime News Anchor)
Anne Barclay (Junior News Anchor)
Jeff Hennessey (Sports Anchor)
Paula Tashima (Chief Meteorologist)
Mike Burnsides (Curmudgeon)

Engineers (Gerod Office):
Erik Lundgren (video)
Jan Drecht (audio)
Glen Griebek (Information Technology)
Brett Towers (Networking)
Evan Andrews (Manufacturing)

Field Reporters (Gerod Office):
Elena Kalas (lead)
Houston Braniff
Tony Crane
Lana Hill
Ken Cartwright
Jaret Hope
Alice Brendt

Net runners:
Jim Codding
Ed Maris
Keith Quon


Many of these won't actually be seen or they will be shown for very little amounts of time. They are mostly behind the scenes types necessary for operations and are often not necessary in terms of the story.

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