Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some sketches.

When this was in production, I tapped a very talented artist, Rikke, to collaborate with me on this. Unfortunately, for various reasons, it fell through. However, she was a big part in shaping the characters and direction compared to this story's predecessor. Here's a few bits of art that she produced.

The initial design of Ellie. Before she had a name, even. Note the use of her nanotech clothes to create the fishbowl helmet, and the introduction of the rocket high heels. A fantastic science fiction idea.

Here's some basic sketches of the main characters in the story. Clockwise starting from the upper left: Keith Quon, Erik Lundgren, Elena Kalas, the ARC unit (name varied between Snaps or something else witty), three sketches of Oscar Spencer, and Jim Codding.

Just a quick sketch of Ellie and Erik enjoying some of Jim's pizza.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You know it's now or never, take a chance on rock n' roll!

If this were a TV show, the theme song would be Boston's "Feelin' Satisfied."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A snippet

Yeah, I haven't touched this in a while. It's never going to get drawn, most likely. But I can at least put some words to paper, I guess. Just a random section. It's a little light on exposition, naturally... since it happens a little later in the story.


ELENA (Narrating): It's been two years since that day. I still can't shake it. We were about to blow the lid open on the Beniot Corporation, Mars' biggest employer and manufacturer. The stuff we had would have made heads spin... and naturally Bruce wanted to get it out RIGHT AWAY.

[ELENA and ERIK are waiting outside the door to the Chief's chambers.]

ELENA: What's going on in there? It's taking way too long for a usual clearance.

ERIK: This isn't usual, Ellie. They've got to get it right the first time on this one.

ELENA: We've been working on the Beniot stuff for too long. We gotta get it out there!

ERIK: When you could blow away Mars' biggest industrial faction, you triple and quadruple check everything. Bruce doesn't leave anything to chance.

ELENA: I guess I'm just antsy. I know I've put my fair share into this...

ERIK: You and me both.

[BRUCE violently opens the door to the hallway where ELENA and ERIK are waiting. He is visibly angry. The two make eye contact with him, seeing that he, for the first time in a long time, is struggling to come up with words to describe his feelings.]

ELENA and ERIK: Bruce!

BRUCE: This is... is... horseshit! The last bastion of impartiality, gone! I knew it the minute I saw the ships land.

ELENA: Bruce, what's going on?

BRUCE: Fuckin' denied. Full stop. This ship's sailed off into a black hole.

ERIK: Impossible! Why would Phil do that?

ELENA: Who cares what they say?! We can still do it! We can take 'em down!

BRUCE: Nah, nah... Ellie, this is bigger than you an' me. I've got some bad news. We're done for. Janus bought us out.

ERIK: Janus? As in JSS?

BRUCE: The one and only. Phil sold us up the river, probably because they said they would break his neck if he didn't. I know how those guys work.

ERIK: But they can't just come in here and storm us like that, it's got to be illegal.

BRUCE: Oh yes they can. They've got their slimy tentacles in everything. What they do isn't news. Geier's one smart son of a bitch. We did all the hard work, and he's swooping in like a vulture. Just like he always does.

ELENA: Geier?

BRUCE: I've told you about him before, Ellie. Henry Geier and his thugs aren't like us. This thing, the Beniot thing... they would turn a blind eye. The reason is because Beniot kicks em back.... and this is all my fault.

ELENA: What!? That makes no sense.

BRUCE: Beniot knew that I rooted out a leak. So he called in his old buddy Hank to buy us out and gag me. I'm sure they would've killed me if they found me first, but this eliminates a lot of his problems. It means you guys can't go after him either.

ELENA: That's bogus. We can still get him, Bruce! Just give me the word!

BRUCE: No, no... That'll just get you all killed. I can't have that, I've worked too hard for you guys to get tossed. You're the closest thing to family I've got. This one's on me. I'm going to take out those maniacal bastards if it's the last thing I do!

[BRUCE leaves, with ELENA starting to chase after him. ERIK grabs her by the collar.]

ERIK: Don't. He knows what he's doing.

ELENA: Bruce! Don't do it! Come back! BRUCE! BRUCE!

* * *

[Still image of ELENA, still looking out the door, with ERIK at her side.]

ELENA (narrating): That's the last time I saw him. Where did he go? I don't know. My mentor, the man I owe my livelihood to... just disappears.

[Still image of ELENA arguing with some nameless suit at Janus.]

ELENA (narrating): I spent the next few months trying to fit in at Janus. It didn't really work. The mentality was too different. I wanted to investigate, they wanted me to do Kitten Escapades 4. Who do they think I am, Suna?

[Still image, holographic ELLIE is seen from inside an office, as she is displaying atrocities of genetic engineering. Shadowy figures are watching.]

ELENA (narrating): So I told them to get fucked and I rolled my story about Niodon's creepy genetic zoo failures. That ruffled some feathers... Especially since the zoo mogul was a big contributor to Janus' bottom line.

[ERIK and OSCAR watching the same scene.]

ELENA (Narrating): Now I'm back where I belong, I think. Bruce's old trench buddy, Oscar Spencer, brought me in to Genesis. Erik is working for him too. He saw me go down in flames and told Oscar to hire me post-haste.

[ELENA is on the main floor at Genesis, surrounded by the runners, Erik, Oscar, etc.]

ELENA (narrating): It feels the same, but yet strangely different. I know a lot of the people here, but no offense to Oscar, he isn't Bruce. Nonetheless... I guess we have to do the best we can in his stead.

[Still shot, ELENA is outside, looking at the stars.]

[END scene]
* * *